Sunday, July 19, 2009

The fiber has won...and i lose

I'm very sorry to say that I am going to stop taking the fiber drink. I thought it would get better with time but it's not. It makes me nauseated and sick to my stomach. Also I still gag when I take it. Its just not working out, I really hate the way it makes me feel. Cause seriously, Ill be perfectly fine all day until I take the fiber drink and then the rest of the day Ill be so sick to my stomach. I feel bad giving up on it, it feels like I lost the battle against the fiber. I hate admitting defeat! But I really can't do it anymore. Its not really worth it, and I get sick to my stomach just thinking about drinking it. I'm weak I know, but before you judge me, I request you try and take it for 30 days and see how well that goes. Never fear, I'm still going to take the hot dog pills and the nasty tea, those two things are still gross but I can handle them. I might have lost the fiber battle but I still haven't lost the war with my cleanse!

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